News Score: Score the News, Sort the News, Rewrite the Headlines

Clean your codebase with basic information theory

Cut out everything that’s not surprising. – Derek Sivers Surprise The following equation measures “surprise”: It’s easy to estimate the surprise of text files: const rx = /[\s,\]\[\(\)]+/g; const counts = {}; for (const file of Deno.args) for (const x of (await Deno.readTextFile(file)).split(rx)) counts[x] = 1 + counts[x] || 1; const total = Object.values(counts).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); let entropy = 0; for (const c of Object.values(counts)) { const p = c / total; entropy -= p * Math.log2(p)...


© News Score  score the news, sort the news, rewrite the headlines