Matthew Green on X: "Telegram has launched a pretty intense campaign to malign Signal as insecure, with assistance from Elon Musk. The goal seems to be to get activists to switch away from encrypted Signal to mostly-unencrypted Telegram. I want to talk about this a bit. 1/" / X
PostConversationMatthew Green@matthew_d_greenFollowTelegram has launched a pretty intense campaign to malign Signal as insecure, with assistance from Elon Musk. The goal seems to be to get activists to switch away from encrypted Signal to mostly-unencrypted Telegram. I want to talk about this a bit. 1/11:03 AM ยท May 12, 2024856.4K Views1,846 Reposts146 Quotes5,573 Likes1,818 Bookmarks1.8K...