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TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

[Kerbl and Kopanas 2023] Kerbl, B., Kopanas, G., Leimkühler, T., and Drettakis, G. 2023. "3D Gaussian splatting for real-time radiance field rendering". ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG), 42(4). [Rückert 2022] Rückert, D., Franke, L., and Stamminger, M., 2022. "Adop: Approximate differentiable one-pixel point rendering." ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 41.4 (2022): 1-14. [Barron 2022] Barron, J., Mildenhall, B., Verbin, D., Srinivasan, P. and Hedman, P., 2022. "Mip-nerf 360: Unbounded anti-a...


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